I was in the kitchen working on dinner when I heard it.
Katie was crying. I really couldn’t tell if it was a “hurt cry” or a “mad cry” so I decided to check it out. What followed stuck in the back of my mind all
I found Rachel pulling Katie out of the bathroom and closing
the door so that she couldn’t get back in. Katie wasn’t happy. She was crying,
hitting the door and trying her best to reenter the room.
When I asked Rachel what had happened, she impressed me with
her answer.
“Katie was in the bathroom playing with the toilet paper. I
was going to come get you, but then I saw your hair straightener on the
counter. Katie doesn’t know that it is hot, and since she doesn’t know it might
hurt her, I was afraid she would touch it. So I got her out of the bathroom.”
The concern for her little sister touched me….but that wasn’t
the end of it. She went on:
“It’s kinda like when you make me stop doing something because
I don’t know that I might get hurt. I did the same thing for Katie.”
The insight of this little girl amazes me sometimes.
Something I try to do often is to pull my kids back and
point out what could have just happened. A few weeks ago I found Rachel
standing on arm of the rocking chair trying to get a book off of the top shelf.
I told her to get down, step back and look at the situation. After explaining
that the chair was not sturdy, and that if she had fallen while holding onto the
shelf, it might have come down on top of her (even though it is secured to the
wall, I was making a point) I asked her what she should have done instead.
“Ask you to get the book for me.”
I do this often with the kids. Kids can’t always see the “bigger
picture”. Rather than just making them
stop doing something dangerous, I want them to understand the entire situation
and be aware of those dangers in the future. But, before I can show them the “bigger
picture”, they have to STOP what they are doing and BACK UP.
Rachel saw the straightener and wanted to keep Katie from
getting hurt. I saw the rocking chair and wanted to keep Rachel from getting
hurt. I started to think of all the times God has closed a door that I wasn't happy about...only to later find out that I had just been spared from something that wouldn't have been good for me. I initially throw a fit like Katie did. Pounding on the door, trying to get back in. But, once everything is revealed, I'm so grateful to have avoided the mess.
I'm in one of those situations right now. We were hoping to be able to stay here for another year but the Army had other plans. As we are preparing to move I often find myself pouting. I love my house. I love my neighbors. I love my church family, my friends, and my close proximity to family. I don't want to move. So, I pout.
But, maybe God wants us in IL. Maybe there is something amazing waiting for us there? Or maybe He is sparing us from something not so great that would happen here if we stayed? I don't know. And I don't have to know. I just have to stop pouting, listen to His plan and obey.
Rachel’s words have played in my mind over and over again
since that event. She doesn't want Katie to get hurt, even if that means dragging her out of that area kicking and screaming. God doesn't want His children to hurt either.
Sometimes you just
have to STOP. Not easy to do when you are busy all the time. It’s easy to miss the cues to “stop”, “slow down”,
back up”.
My goal this week is to do just that.
Stop. Back up. Breathe. Think. Pray. Process.
What is God trying to tell me? What bigger picture could I
be missing right now?
I’ll never know if I don’t top and listen.